Payment Options

Cryptocurrency payment:

Payments are accepted through reliable payment gateways Coinbase Commerce, Plisio, Gourl Payment and Blockonomics . We accept payment by either Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, DAI, Litecoin, Ethereum and USDC. Please note Coinbase Commerce supports payments only through the ERC-20 network for USDC, DAI and Ethereum. Sending and receiving unsupported assets through Wallet can cause you to lose them.

The cryptocurrency amount that corresponds to the total balance of your placed order will be provided upon checkout using the exchange rate of that cryptocurrency to GBP in real time.

All Coinbase Wallet transactions are processed on the blockchain which means Senders will be charged a miner fee.

Please be aware that some asset issuers may send or “airdrop” cryptocurrencies to your Wallet, even though you will not have the ability to withdraw them. This is referred to as a “Frozen Drop”. Please contact the asset issuer directly for guidance on how to move these assets. Assets cannot be moved unless they’re sent back to the sponsored exchange.

Additionally, please note that an asset can start out as an ERC-20 and then move on to its own blockchain which may or may not be supported.

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