Canaan Avalon Made A1466



Canaan’s Avalon Miner A1466 mining SHA-256 algorithm has a maximum hash rate of 150Th/s and a power consumption of 3225W. With a hash rate of 150 TH/s and an energy efficiency ratio of 21.5 J/T, the Avalon A1466 miner is part of Canaan’s recently introduced Avalon A14 series of Bitcoin miners. It highlights the A1466 miner’s great technical advantages and market potential due to its high mining efficiency. The high mining efficiency of over 20J/T for the next BTC halving example will certainly offer another revolution to the mining business and will also become an attractive alternative for miners.

SKU: N/A Category:
Weight 15 kg
Manufacturer Canaan
Model Avalon A1466
Release September 2023
Noise level 75db
Size 271 x 192x 292mm
Weight 13000g
Fan(s) 2
Power 3230-3315W
Power Efficiency 21.5 – 19.5j/Th
Interface Ethernet
Temperature 5 – 35 °C
Humidity 10 – 90 %
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